Item ID |
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Price £ |
South Africa Union |
Z651 |
Union |
1913 KGV 1d used on cover, appears to be posted in LEYTONSTONE, England!
Early use, despite probably incorrectly and not taxed. A wonderful curio |
60 |
Z418 |
Union |
1915 reg'd cover to France, franked 3d & 6d King's Heads, redirected twice, 'Returned L.O. / Cape Town' pmk on reverse |
40 |
Z652 |
Union |
1917 "Sissons' Front Door Varnish" postcard, Edenburg arrival mark, very fine |
50 |
Z564 |
Union |
1918 1d coil used on cover to London |
15 |
Z653 |
Union |
1918 2½d on censored cover to Norway, arrival marks on reverse |
Z588 |
Union |
1920 1½d on taxed and multiple redirected cover to USA, official re-seal label at top |
45 |
Z654 |
Union |
1922 1d stationery Letter Card, uprated 2d to Holland |
30 |
Z656 |
Union |
1925 flight cover to England, "S.A. AIR MAIL" 3.3.25 postmark, struck in black before it distorted |
Z657 |
Union |
FDC - ½d, 1d & 4d 'London printing' singles on reg'd cover, 1 JAN 26 Cape Town pmk. |
Z477 |
Union |
1927 reg'd cover to Cape, "S.A.R. Johannesburg" reg'n cachet and postmarks |
25 |
Z478 |
Union |
Airmail: 1927 reg'd cover franked with 4d airmail & 3d black & red, SG.45, scarce pair on cover |
75 |
Z589 |
Union |
1932 4d triangle English & Afrikaans on airmail cover to Cornwall, 27.1.32 Jo'burg pmks |
15 |
Z590 |
Union |
1935 ½d Silver Jubilee on advisory postcard from "The American Swiss Watch Co. Ltd" to S.W.A. |
10 |
Z508 |
Union |
1936 1½d pair with "Flag on Chimney" variety, SG.57c, used on First Day Cover |
25 |
Z591 |
Union |
1937 Betty Kirby-Green & Arthur Clouston Cape Town to London record flight cover, return leg, 100 flown |
125 |
Scan of reverse |
Z551 |
Union |
1938 6d die I pair used on airmailed cover, 8.1.38 "Potchestroom" pmk. |
15 |
Z531 |
Union |
1938 (21st December) both Voortrekker sets (one on reverse) on KLM "New Year's Flight" cover |
25 |
Z552 |
Union |
1939 Huguenot Landing set on first day cover, clear "Kimberley" postmark |
20 |
Z568 |
Union |
1944 wrongly addressed cover with three different Jo'burg c.d.s. postmarks |
10 |
Z593 |
Union |
1947 Princess Elizabeth 21st Birthday reg'd special cover, first one of these I have seen! |
15 |
Z594 |
Union |
1948 "Cape Times Daily" wrapper, sent to Cape Town, redirected to U.S.A. |
15 |
Z595 |
Union |
1948 ½d economy reprint used on cover, sent at unsealed rate, scarce use |
25 |
Z597 |
Union |
1948 ½d economy reprint pair used on 1951 reg'd cover with 6d Official pair |
25 |
Z596 |
Union |
1949 ½d, 1d & 1½d booklet panes used on three reg'd covers to U.S.A., Easter label on reverse of each |
75 |
Z554 |
Union |
1950 Settlers pair with "Streamer on Mast" variety used on cover |
15 |
Z555 |
Union |
1951 cover franked with various ½d & 1d pairs, philatelic but fun! |
15 |
Z578 |
Union |
1951 Easter "Help Cripples" Afrikaans label tied to postcard |
10 |
Z579 |
Union |
1954 Easter "Help Cripples" Afrikaans label tied to cover |
15 |
Z580 |
Union |
1955 Easter "Help Cripples" Afrikaans label tied to cover |
15 |
Z479 |
Union |
1955 reg'd cover with "Delwersoord" cachet & postmark, unusual cover reg'd & meter mail cover |
10 |
Z581 |
Union |
1956 Easter "Help Cripples" English label tied to cover |
15 |
Z583 |
Union |
1958 Easter "Help Cripples" English label tied to meter mail cover |
15 |
Z600 |
Union |
1960 "Cape Town" postmark on GB Air Letter, posted on Braemar Castle ship |
10 |
Z509 |
Union |
1961 Easter "Help Cripples" charity labels, both languages tied to colourful franking cover |
25 |
Z584 |
Union |
1961 Easter "Help Cripples" English label tied to commercial cover |
15 |
Z534 |
Union |
1961 Decimal definitives set across four illustrated first day covers |
25 |
Z373 |
Union |
POSTAGE DUE - unpaid cover from Mahad, India, taxed 5d, collected by 1d & 2d pair SG D18&23, tied by Cape Town pmks. |
25 |
Z62 |
Union |
POSTAGE DUE - unpaid cover, pmkd 'Engcobo,' taxed 3d, collected by 3d due, SG.D37, tied by oval E. London pmk. |
50 |
Z559 |
Union |
POSTAGE DUE - unpaid cover, "Alice" pmk, taxed 4d, collected by 2x 2d due, SG.D40, tied by oval E. London pmk. |
10 |
Z560 |
Union |
TAXED COVER - unpaid, posted & taxed on the FIRST DAY OF DECIMAL CURRENCY and scarce thus, clear "Penge 14.2.61" pmk. |
45 |
Z446 |
Union |
OFFICIAL - cover franked with O13 & O14 pairs, reg'd & postmarked "Houses of Parliament" |
45 |
Z480 |
Union |
OFFICIAL - cover franked with 1½d SG.O22 pair, "Murraysburg" c.d.s. pmk |
30 |
Z535 |
Union |
OFFICIAL - 1950 National Philatelic Exhibition cover franked with various officials |
10 |
Z540 |
Union |
OFFICIAL 1954 1s blackish brown centre (SG.O47a) used on official airmail cover to USA, genuine use & scarce thus |
200 |
Z687 |
1943 censored advert cover to England, crisp strike of "A" censor marks on reverse |
10 |
Z425 |
1943 underpaid cover to USA, taxed 4c on arrival |
10 |
Z688 |
1944 formula Air Letter, A.P.O. 24 pmk, censor marks & "Examined by Base Censor" reseal label, incomplete, but interesting |
10 |
Z487 |
1944 Amazing FOUR TIMES used envelope with South African Milling Co. re-use label (used twice)
covering 2d bantam on top of a meter impression |
30 |
Z689 |
1946 ½d unsealed rate cover, reused with ½d block of 4 over patriotic label, interesting |
25 |
Z690 |
Stampless cover, posted "Official Free" from Department of Defence / S.A. Heavy Artillery |
15 |
Z691 |
Christmas card, "Back to Camp" photo of guns on trucks |
Z692 |
1942-3 Christmas air letter, Egypt pmk & censor mark |
45 |
Z693 |
1943-4 Christmas air letter, Egypt 138 pmk & censor mark |
45 |
Z694 |
1944 Christmas "Free Postage" air letter, A.P.O. pmk & censor mark |
60 |
Z695 |
1944 Christmas "Free Postage" air letter, A.P.O. 22 pmk & censor mark |
60 |
Z696 |
1944 Christmas "Free Postage" air letter with 3d stamp franking, A.P.O. 22 pmk & censor mark |
60 |
Postmarks |
Z576 |
Union |
1923 cover to Germany with scarce "Cape Town F.S. (Foreign Section)" postmark, Putzel 459 |
50 |
Z561 |
Union |
1947 Royal Tour set on advertising cover, special pmks with Maltese Cross, used on Pilot Train |
10 |
Z512 |
Union |
1946 "BERLIN" temporary (skeleton) postmark, scarce |
25 |
Z513 |
Union |
1946 "ENGCOBO" temporary (skeleton) postmark, scarce |
Z514 |
Union |
1948 "CLARKEBURY" temporary (skeleton) postmark, scarce |
25 |
Z510 |
1962 Easter "Help Cripples" charity labels in a bilingual pair, tied to cover with Union stamps franking |
25 |
Z577 |
1967 Easter "Help Cripples" charity labels in a bilingual pair, tied to reg'd cover |
20 |
Z562 |
1976 Bowls First Day Cover signed by the Tournament participants, very unusual |
30 |
Z69 |
1984 reg'd & Express airmail cover with 'Newton Park' Postage Paid printed label, very unusual. |
10 |
Z563 |
1987 Unpaid cover "franked" with Christmas label, taxed and explanation label attached |
15 |
Z490 |
1993 Phone Card illustrated cover, unusual! |
25 |